Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fall concert

Fall concert Thursday October 3rd at 6:00pm 

Students need to be at the school at 5:45pm and need to come to our classroom so we can get lined up for the concert. 
When the whole concert is finished you will be able to pick up your child from our classroom.

Students will be preforming the concert on Friday morning at 9:15am parents, family members and friends who were unable to attend on Thursday evening are welcome to come Friday at 9:15am.

Reading at home

Tips for home reading

Track the words

When reading have your child touch each word with their finger as they read.

Don't leave home without it

Bring along a book or magazine any time your child has to wait, such as at a doctor's office. Always try to fit in reading!

Read the book 3 ways

Encourage your child to re-read favorite books and poems. Re-reading helps kids read more quickly and accurately. 
Three ways to read a book:
 -read the pictures have your child look at all the pictures and think about what the story is about
-read the words
-look through the book and ask questions about the book

Dig deeper into the story

Ask your child questions about the story you've just read. Say something like, "Why do you think Clifford did that?"

Be patient

When your child is trying to sound out an unfamiliar word, give him or her time to do so. Remind to child to look closely at the first letter or letters of the word.

I read to you, you read to me

Take turns reading aloud at bedtime as this allows your child to read an example how to read. Kids also enjoy this special time with their parents. 

Gently correct your young reader

When your child makes a mistake, gently point out the letters he or she overlooked or read incorrectly. Many beginning readers will guess wildly at a word based on its first letter.

Play word games

Have your child sound out the word as you change it from mat to fat to sat; from sat to sag to sap; and from sap to sip. Play word or letter hunt, have your child go through the book and find all the "you" words or all the "t's". This will help your child to track the words and take a closer look at the book.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Terry Fox Run Tomorrow 

-Please wear a coat and running shoes and maybe a hat
-We are also collecting Twoonies for Terry

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Today in science

Hi Everyone,

Don't forget tomorrow is meet the teacher from 5:00-6:30. Today our class was very excited to visit the outdoor classroom. As a class planted some chrysanthemums to help brighten up the front walk way. While we are planting the chrysanthemums we used three of our senses to make observations about the plants. This year we will be exploring our five senses as we study each season. Here is a sample of today's work.

See you tomorrow,

Miss Hoekstra and the grade 1/2's

Monday, September 2, 2019

Welcome to Miss Hoekstra's class blog. Please check here regularly for classroom updates and upcoming events.

This week in .....

Math- We are working on patterns in math groups. Students are creating their own patterns, recreating patterns and continuing a classmates pattern. We are also observing where we see patterns in nature.
Image result for animal patterns in nature

 Science- We are exploring our five senses and how we can use them to make observations.

Reading/Writing- This week students will be working in groups based on their letter/sound knowledge or current reading level. More information on how you can work with your child at home will be coming in the coming weeks.

Poetry- Each week we work on a poem together as class. Students will take the poem on Fridays so they can share it with you.

Have a great week.

This Weeks Poem

     Five Little Leprechauns Five little leprechauns dressed in green They’re the funniest men I’ve ever seen The 1st one...